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we've got books with solid Foundation on the "LAW OF ATTRACTION" and "REPROGRAMMING YOUR MIND"

  1. THE SECRETS by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne is a self-help book that delves into the concept of the law of attraction and how it can be used to manifest desires and achieve goals. Here's a detailed overview:

  1. Introduction to the Law of Attraction: The book starts by introducing the concept of the law of attraction, which suggests that like attracts like. In other words, positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life.

  2. Historical Context: Byrne explores the historical roots of the law of attraction, citing ancient teachings from various cultures and belief systems that have touched upon similar ideas. She argues that this universal principle has been known and utilized by successful individuals throughout history.

  3. The Power of Thoughts: A central theme of the book is the power of thoughts. Byrne emphasizes that our thoughts have the ability to shape our reality, and by maintaining positive thoughts, individuals can attract positive outcomes into their lives.

  4. Visualizations and Affirmations: The book suggests practical techniques such as visualizations and affirmations to harness the power of the law of attraction. Visualizations involve mentally picturing one's desired outcomes, while affirmations are positive statements repeated to oneself to reinforce desired beliefs or outcomes.

  5. Gratitude and Positive Thinking: Another key aspect of "The Secret" is the importance of gratitude and positive thinking. Byrne argues that expressing gratitude for what one already has can attract more blessings into one's life, fostering a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity.

  6. Taking Inspired Action: While positive thinking and visualization are emphasized, the book also stresses the importance of taking inspired action towards one's goals. Byrne argues that the law of attraction works in conjunction with proactive efforts to manifest desired outcomes.

  7. Case Studies and Testimonials: Throughout the book, Byrne includes case studies and testimonials from individuals who have successfully applied the principles of the law of attraction in various areas of their lives, including relationships, health, and career.

  8. Criticism and Skepticism: Despite its popularity, "The Secret" has faced criticism and skepticism from some quarters. Critics argue that it promotes magical thinking and oversimplifies complex issues such as poverty and illness.

  9. Application Beyond Personal Goals: While the book primarily focuses on using the law of attraction to achieve personal goals, Byrne suggests that the principles can also be applied to broader societal issues, such as world peace and environmental sustainability.

  10. Conclusion and Call to Action: In the concluding chapters, Byrne reiterates the key principles of the law of attraction and encourages readers to incorporate them into their daily lives. She emphasizes the transformative potential of adopting a positive mindset and aligning one's thoughts with desired outcomes.

In this book, you’ll learn how to use The Secret in every aspect of your life—money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every interaction you have in the world. You’ll begin to understand the hidden, untapped power that’s within you, and this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of your life

Overall, "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne offers a comprehensive exploration of the law of attraction and provides practical tools for readers to harness its power in their own lives. Whether readers embrace its teachings or approach them with skepticism, the book has undeniably sparked widespread interest and discussion about the role of mindset in shaping personal success and happiness.

  1. Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard

Feeling is the Secret" by Neville Goddard is a seminal work in the realm of New Thought and self-improvement literature. Originally published in 1944, it presents profound insights into the power of the human imagination and the role of emotions in manifesting desires.

At its core, the book emphasizes the idea that our feelings and emotions are not just passive reactions to external circumstances, but active forces that shape our reality. Neville Goddard argues that our inner world creates our outer world, and that by consciously directing our thoughts and feelings, we can transform our lives.

The central premise of "Feeling is the Secret" is that the key to manifesting our desires lies in cultivating the feeling of already having achieved them. Goddard suggests that instead of focusing on lack or absence, we should immerse ourselves in the experience of our desired outcome as if it were already a reality. By consistently dwelling in this state of fulfilled desire, we align ourselves with the corresponding circumstances and opportunities in the external world.

The book offers practical techniques for harnessing the power of feeling, including visualization, affirmations, and mental rehearsals. Goddard stresses the importance of imagination and suggests that it is the bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind, through which we can impress our desires upon the deeper layers of our psyche.

Throughout "Feeling is the Secret," Neville Goddard draws upon spiritual and psychological principles to support his teachings. He references biblical passages and incorporates ideas from mystical traditions to illustrate the timeless wisdom underlying his approach to manifestation.

In essence, "Feeling is the Secret" invites readers to become conscious creators of their reality by mastering their emotional states and aligning them with their deepest desires. It encourages a shift from reactive thinking to proactive imagining, empowering individuals to take charge of their lives and manifest their dreams.

Feeling is the Secret" by Neville Goddard is a potent revelation that emotions are the key to manifesting desires. Through concise yet profound insights, it ignites a paradigm shift, empowering readers to harness the creative power of their emotions to shape their reality. Its effect on readers is transformative, awakening a deeper understanding of the connection between thoughts, feelings, and manifestation, leading to profound personal growth and empowerment.

"The world, and all within it, is man's conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life" - Neville Goddard

  1. The Neville Goddard Collection- 4 in 1 Books
    Awakened Imagination
    Be What You Wish
    The Power of Awareness
    The Secret of Imagining

The collection encompasses some of the foundational works of Neville Goddard, a prominent figure in the realm of New Thought philosophy and metaphysical teachings. Each book offers unique insights and perspectives on the power of imagination, the role of beliefs, and the nature of reality.

  1. Awakened Imagination: This book delves into the concept of imagination as a powerful creative force. Neville Goddard explores the idea that imagination shapes our reality and that we have the ability to awaken our imagination to manifest our desires. Through vivid storytelling and practical exercises, he guides readers to tap into their inner creative power and transform their lives.

  2. Be What You Wish: In "Be What You Wish," Neville Goddard emphasizes the importance of assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled. He argues that by embodying the feeling of already having our desires, we align ourselves with the reality we seek to create. The book explores the concept of faith as the key to manifestation and provides techniques for harnessing the power of belief to manifest our desires.

  3. The Power of Awareness: In "The Power of Awareness," Neville Goddard explores the concept of consciousness as the fundamental creative force in the universe. He argues that our awareness shapes our reality and that we have the power to consciously direct our thoughts and beliefs to manifest our desires. Through anecdotes, metaphors, and practical exercises, he guides readers to awaken to their innate creative potential and take control of their lives.

  4. The Secret of Imagining: "The Secret of Imagining" delves into the transformative power of the human imagination. Neville Goddard discusses the concept of imagination as the means through which we can create our reality. By vividly imagining our desires as already fulfilled, we impress upon the subconscious mind and set in motion the forces necessary for their manifestation. The book offers insights into harnessing the creative power of imagination and using it to consciously shape our lives

Embark on a transformative journey through the timeless wisdom of Neville Goddard's collection, where the power of imagination meets the essence of manifestation. From awakening creative potential to mastering the art of assumption, each book illuminates the path to shaping reality with clarity, belief, and emotion. Dive into the depths of consciousness, where awareness becomes the key to unlocking desires and rewriting destiny. Through vivid anecdotes and practical guidance, these works offer a profound exploration of the human psyche, empowering readers to harness the infinite potential within and manifest a life of fulfillment and purpose.

  1. Calling in the One by Katherine Woodward Thomas

Calling in The One" by Katherine Woodward Thomas is a groundbreaking guide to manifesting a soulful and fulfilling romantic relationship. Through a combination of spiritual principles, psychological insights, and practical exercises, Thomas offers a comprehensive roadmap for individuals seeking to attract their ideal partner.

The book begins by inviting readers to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing. Thomas emphasizes the importance of releasing past relationship patterns, wounds, and limiting beliefs that may be blocking love from entering one's life. She introduces powerful practices such as forgiveness, gratitude, and self-love to facilitate emotional healing and create space for new love to blossom.

Central to the book's teachings is the concept of "calling in" the ideal partner rather than simply "searching for" them. Thomas encourages readers to cultivate a deep sense of self-awareness and clarity about their desires, values, and intentions in a relationship. Through introspective exercises, journal prompts, and guided meditations, readers learn to align their thoughts, feelings, and actions with their vision of love.

"Calling in The One" also explores the role of the subconscious mind in attracting love. Thomas introduces techniques such as visualization, affirmations, and energetic clearing to reprogram subconscious patterns and magnetize love into one's life.

Throughout the book, Thomas shares inspiring stories of individuals who have successfully called in their soulmates using the principles outlined in the book. These real-life examples serve as powerful reminders of the transformative potential of the calling in process.

In addition to personal growth and manifestation practices, "Calling in The One" offers practical guidance on navigating the dating process with intention and authenticity. Thomas provides insights into creating a clear vision for the kind of relationship one desires, setting healthy boundaries, and communicating effectively with potential partners.

Overall, "Calling in The One" is an empowering guide to manifesting love from the inside out. Whether you're single and seeking a romantic partner or looking to deepen your existing relationship, this book offers invaluable wisdom and tools to create a deeply fulfilling and soulful connection.

Calling in The One is a transformative guide to attracting soulful love. Through a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical exercises, it empowers readers to heal past wounds, clarify desires, and manifest fulfilling relationships.

  1. At your command by Neville Goddard

"At Your Command" by Neville Goddard is a concise yet profound exploration of the principles of manifestation and the power of the human imagination. In this seminal work, Goddard delves into the fundamental truths of spiritual law and offers practical techniques for harnessing the creative power within each individual.

The book begins by emphasizing the importance of understanding and mastering the creative process. Goddard asserts that all manifestations, whether desired or undesired, are the result of the thoughts and beliefs held in the subconscious mind. By becoming aware of our innermost desires and assumptions, we can consciously direct the creative forces of imagination to manifest our intentions into reality.

Central to Goddard's teachings is the concept of "living in the end," which entails assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled as if it were already a present reality. He emphasizes the importance of embodying the state of consciousness that aligns with our desired outcomes, rather than focusing on external circumstances or limitations.

Throughout the book, Goddard shares anecdotes and real-life examples to illustrate the transformative power of imagination and belief. He explains how individuals can use their imagination to create new realities, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals.

"At Your Command" also explores the role of faith and persistence in the manifestation process. Goddard emphasizes the importance of unwavering belief in the fulfillment of one's desires, regardless of current circumstances or apparent obstacles. He offers practical exercises and affirmations to strengthen faith and align with the desired outcome.

In addition to discussing the principles of manifestation, Goddard addresses the concept of prayer from a metaphysical perspective. He explains that true prayer is not a plea for external intervention but a conscious alignment with the desired outcome through the power of imagination and belief.

Overall, "At Your Command" is a timeless guide to unlocking the creative potential within each individual. Through clear explanations, practical exercises, and inspiring insights, Neville Goddard offers a roadmap to manifesting dreams and living a life of purpose, abundance, and fulfillment.